One of the most downloaded renditions of my songs – “Les feuilles mortes(The autumn leaves)”
"Les feuilles mortes(The autumn leaves)" sung by Sadahiko Nakamura in French, contained in my latest CD album "Mellow&Tender", is one of the most popular songs/renditions among downloaded in iTune, Amazon, Spotify, etc. The narrative/prelude part is mixed with street sounds of Paris which I picked up with my mobile recorder by making a short return trip to Paris for the very purpose of inserting various live sounds in Paris in the narrative prelude part of this song. The sound of the church bell in the prelude part was recoded at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris!! For my dear overseas listners, I herewith attach its MP3 version. Enjoy it and I hope you like it!! Please listen with your earphone or headphone for getting real touch of music!! This rendition is performed by; Sadahiko Nakamura(vo), Yuko Ohashi(piano), Aya Yoda(violin), Misa Wakabayashi(acoustic bass), Nobuyoshi Takahashi(drums). "Les feuilles mortes(The autumn leaves)" ↓↓↓ Please listen it by clicking ▶ below. '枯葉' - 下記の▶をクリックしてお聴きください!! イヤフォンかヘッドフォンでお聴きください。 [audio mp3=""][/audio] (Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. This photo was taken by me(Sadahiko) when I visited Paris for the purpose of picking up sounds of Paris for inserting them into the prelude part of the rendition "Les feuilles mortes(The autumn leaves)" which is contained in my 2nd CD album)