Here is 'Les Feuilles Mortes (The Fallin' Leaves)' sung by Sadahiko Nakamura on his radio show in January 2021. Performed by Sadahiko Nakamura(v), Yuko Ohashi(pf), Aya Yoda(vi), Misa Wakabayashi(b), Nobu Takahashi(d). The sound of bell heard in the intro part is of the Notre Dam Cathedral in Paris was actually recorded by Sadahiko in Paris. 先日のラジオ放送でお送りした「枯葉」。前奏のバックに流れる鐘の音は、ノートルダム寺院火災の前年に中村さだひこ自身がパリに出かけて、ノートルダム寺院の下で直接録音したものです。