

Sending my singing ‘A star always with me up in the sky” on my radio broadcast On-Air of tonight 空に星があるように

Here is the first part of my radio live on-air of tonight. After the introductory talk, I am singing "Sorani hoshiga aruyoni(A star always with me up in the sky)". I hope you like it. 今夜の私のラジオ番組でお送りした「空に星があるように」。お時間あれば、お聴きください。 "Sorani hoshiga aruyoni(Always a star up in the sky)"   [audio mp3="http://sadahiko.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/498e8eb79990d9df407df4043a2f8908.mp3"][/audio] [caption id="attachment_1528" align="alignnone" width="300"]Sadahiko music concert at Launge Zero, Ginza, Tokyo. Sadahiko music concert at Launge Zero, Ginza, Tokyo.[/caption]